
This Panel is handling the BHPs for the daily access by the nursery staff. The user can apply, refuse, refuse (with discarding the medication), undo the several BHPs presented.


Internal module ID: nursingrecords.bhp

PRINTprint the daily plan of all BHPs
UPDATEnecessary to generally modify the several BHPs. this should only be granted to trained personell.


Besides the ACLs there are further professional reasons to allow or prevent the access to the BHPs. To tell if a BHP may be changed, it is vital to consider the state of the BHPs and some other issues.

There is one method that has a very important role in the authorization chain: BHPTools.isChangeable(BHP bhp). This method is only useful for BHPs, that are not open anymore.

It returns true (hence empowering the user to change the BHP) when the following conditions are satisfied:

Confirming, refusing or discarding an open BHP

the user can apply, refuse or refuse (discard) a BHP if:

undoing a confirmed BHP

a user can reset a BHP to the open state if:

which can happen if a stock is emptied during the cause of the confirming the BHP and a new stock is opened and used automatically